
It's time for a "name that boat" contest ...

I was getting a little bored with relatively few home improvements to do, so we bought a boat this weekend! 27' Seasport Seamaster. She needs some TLC, but it's the boat I've been looking for at an incredible price. Shrimp from the Sound, anyone?

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Gretchen said...

"floaty thing" has always been my perennial favorite...
Hey! Look forward to seeing you and Trinity this week. I need your email though...I wanted to forward a Palin funny Sean sent (although I'm sure you probably came across it long before I did). Love the pics on your blog. You could hurt yourself with that rugby gig, though... actually I think those might be pictures of you hurting yourself with that rugby gig...says the nurse--G

B's Knees said...

Can you really improve on "TriFlo's Dream"? Or "Money Pit"? Or "Makes Friends Easily"? Congrats; we have Champagne and a gift for when she arrives in southcentral!